Can you post a URL?

> Hi all
> I'm beating my head against a wall about this one... IE 5.5 and 6 is
> putting in some mystery whitespace (looks like about 8-10 pixels - "a
> line") after a horizontal navigation list. This hor. list has a nested
> list holding some text within it.
> The UL tag is contained in a div - the bottom whitespace is in between
> the bottom of the ul and the bottom of the div.
> This occurs when I set the  width of the list to a fixed value (% or
> px). When I set to auto the issue  disappears but then when I roll over
> a link in the list (<a>) the content block (a div) below the list moves
> down the page one line at a time!!! - no javascript involved :D
> Has anyone seen or knows of a fix for this (I've tried everything I know.)
> Cheers
> James
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