> Over time, I am expecting we will find that the URL itself doesn't
matter as much as it is made to at the moment.

I was trying to say that URL's/URI's are not really for humans.

The URN (Uniform Resrouce Name) is what we are actually talking about.
This is a specific form of a URI that is persistent for a particular
object that can always be found even if it actually moves from time to
time.  They aren't used very much - sadly.

You see, the way everyone works is different.  So to rely on a single
categorisation of a piece of information is actually foolish.

You want to be able to access a single piece of information in hundreds of
different ways.

The URL/URI is only a "key" to the information.  A URN would allow a piece
of information to be permanently identified but allow it to move around in
cyberspace.  An agent of some type needs to exist to actually convert it
to a URL.

Ultimately, the idea should be that once a piece of information - let's
say a "document" for ease of conversation - comes into being it should be
allocated some unique identifying key that NEVER ever changes.  Even if
the information is "deleted" there should be a remnant that it existed
under this unique key (and possibly even still have "history" stored about
that piece of information).  And that unique key will never be used again.

Then what you need is globally (universally??) accessible mechanisms to 
collect these keys and organise them in any way that makes sense to you as
a user.  Whack it into multiple categories, allocate keywords for it
(which are just another means of categorisation), write notes about the
item, etc. etc.

So - my dreams a much less humble than hoping for "memorable" URL's.

Hence - I don't "care" what a URL looks like.  Just that the tools I use
to access resources know how to use them.

I wonder when/if Browsers and websites will start using URN's instead of
URL's ??

Here's a nice page (with a nice cryptic URL) on the subject:


Gary Menzel
Web Development Manager
IT Operations Brisbane -+- ABN AMRO Morgans Limited
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