Hi Michael,

When you output the data from the database, do a replacement on & with &
so that it doesn't have to be changed in the database.

Not wanting to go too far off topic (it's to do with valid output so I think
it's ok) the way I do this in CF is the following in application.cfm:

        function OutputFormat(string)
        // cleans the output from the database to the page
        returnstring = Trim(string);
        returnstring = Replace(returnstring, '&', '&amp;', 'all');
        return returnstring;

        request.OutputFormat = OutputFormat;

Then on the page itself:



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Kear [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2003 10:08 PM
> Subject: RE: [WSG] What have I missed here?
> Thanks Ryan,  But I'm working on that page at the moment, and
> there's no
> telling what you'll see if you look at it now.
> I'm not sure about the ampersand.  It's a dynamic field
> coming form the
> client's inventory database and I don't think I'll be asking
> him to change
> his inventory and invoicing system just so it can please a
> web validator.
> Maybe I'll just make do with a lesser standard rather than
> have him change 4
> or 5 of his internal systems.  I'll have to think about that.
> But thanks a lot for going to the trouble to help.   I'll have a go at
> tidying up the page and see where I stand after that.
> Cheers
> Mike Kear
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ryan Christie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, 21 December 2003 9:29 PM
> Subject: Re: [WSG] What have I missed here?
> I'm taking a glance at your page errors and will give you a
> few points
> to help you get stuff sorted out./
> Line 48
> <http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http://auslegs.com.au/about
> e-48>,
> column 112/: there is no attribute "height" (explain...
> <http://validator.w3.org/docs/errors.html#attr-undef>)
>  |...llspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="18">|
> table's height are defined by the total height of it's
> columns. columns
> have a height property, tables do not.
> /Line 92
> <http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http://auslegs.com.au/about
> e-92>,
> column 154/: character "&" is the first character of a delimiter but
> occurred as data ...=MC">Timber / Metal Combination Legs & Metal
> Legs</a></li>
> |
> Anywhere you want an ampersand to display on a page, it has
> to be entered
> using its
> unicode encoding which is &amp;
> |/Line 150
> <http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http://auslegs.com.au/about
> e-150>, column 82/:  required attribute "alt" not specified
> (explain...
> <http://validator.w3.org/docs/errors.html#attr-missing>).
>   |....com.au/images/SmallFooterSymbol.jpg"></p>|
> All images have to have an alt attribute in xhtml. It's pretty easy to
> forget to include
> alt's if you're not always thinking about it. i do it all the time :)
> /Line 150
> <http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http://auslegs.com.au/about
> e-150>, column 86/:  end tag for "img" omitted, but OMITTAG
> NO was specified
>   |....au/images/SmallFooterSymbol.jpg"></p>
> you didn't close the img tag properly. In XHTML, img tags
> have to be written
> up as
> <img src="url" alt="alt text" /> .. if you add a space and
> slash to the end
> of your
> img tags, these errors will go away. same goes for the <hr>
> tag you used;
> needs to be <hr />
> |/Line 152
> <http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http://auslegs.com.au/about
> e-152>, column 26/:  reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
> |<p align="center">&copy 2003 Auslegs, Pitt Town, NSW, Australia</p>
> that's just a run-on mumbo jumbo for "you forgot to put a
> semicolon after
> the &copy"
> |//||
> HTH bud
> -Ryan
> http://www.theward.net
> Michael Kear wrote:
> >Awwww are you saying just cos there's 56 teensy weensy
> little errors that
> >makes a difference????
> >
> >Gulp!   Yeah. Well by the time I've fixed all those I might
> just have fixed
> >whatever the problem is.
> >
> >Thanks Peter.
> >
> >
> >Cheers
> >Mike Kear
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Peter Firminger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Sent: Sunday, 21 December 2003 1:08 PM
> >Subject: RE: [WSG] What have I missed here?
> >
> >Hi Michael,
> >
> >First problem is that the page isn't valid.
> >
> >http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http://auslegs.com.au/about
> >
> >Second, the CSS isn't valid.
> >
> >http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=http://ausle
> e
> >s/auslegs.css&warning=1&profile=css2&usermedium=all
> >
> >I suggest sorting those issues out first as this will
> eliminate some of the
> >problems and make troubleshooting easier for others. A
> doctype is very
> >important as it affects how browsers render the page.
> >
> >Regards,
> >
> >Peter
> >
> >
> >
> >>-----Original Message-----
> >>From: Michael Kear [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2003 4:36 AM
> >>Subject: [WSG] What have I missed here?
> >>
> >>
> >>I tried using the classic CSS menu from the Uberlink CSS
> >>Rollovers: Overview
> >>article I picked up on this list.  I managed to copy the code
> >>and style
> >>sheet from that tutorial, and now I want to see how it will
> >>work on a site
> >>I'm working on.  It's a two-level menu setup though, so I
> >>want to have the
> >>minor level have different style.
> >>
> >>I've managed to get two levels in the menu ok, but for some
> >>reason the first
> >>item in the sub-level has all the characteristics of the top
> >>level.   Can
> >>anyone see what I've got wrong in the code?
> >>
> >>The page is at http://auslegs.com.au/about/index.cfm
> >>
> >>And the style sheet concerned is at
> >>http://auslegs.com.au/styles/auslegs.css
> >>
> >>
> >>The first sub-menu item should be "classic turned timber
> >>lounge legs" - the
> >>first item under the "Products" category.
> >>
> >>
> >>The structure of the menu on the page is:
> >>
> >><ul>
> >>  <li>Top level item</li>
> >>  <li>Top level item</li>
> >>  <li>Top level item
> >>    <ul>
> >>       <li>Second level item</li>
> >>       <li>Second level item</li>
> >>       <li>Second level item</li>
> >>    </ul>
> >></li>
> >><li>Top level item</li>
> >><ul>
> >>
> >>
> >>Is anything wrong with this structure?  It works fine on
> >>another site I
> >>have.
> >>
> >>Cheers
> >>Mike Kear
> >>Windsor, NSW, Australia
> >>AFP Webworks
> >>http://afpwebworks.com
> >>
> >>p.s. I know it looks horrible right now. I want to get this
> >>to work then
> >>I'll do some pretty graphics for the menus to suit the site.
> >>
> >>
> >>*****************************************************
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> >
> >
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> >
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