Title: Web Editor?

Happy new year all! Have kind thoughts for a poor fella who starts work again today after a short holiday break.


Good question Taco.


I’m currently building an online template based CMS that I have sold to a hosting company. I originally had grand plans of beautifully marked up code being the end result, but it seems that the embedded content editor is the weakest link. Most seem to completely lack the ability to drive the formatting from a CSS file. My goal was to completely control layout from a CSS template. Not to mention that tags like font, i, b, and our other friends are used in abundance.


I have looked at:


http://www.cfdev.com/activedit/ (just bloody awful)

http://www.editlet.com/testdrive/dhtml/dhtml_test.htm# (bad html output)

http://www.siteobjects.com/pages/soeditorfaq.cfm (No cross browser, no mac)

http://www.interakt.ro/products/KTML/ (<span style="font-weight: bold;"> and font tags!)

http://www.devedit.com/ (No cross browser, no mac)

http://www.editize.com/ (looks great, but no mention of css)


However I’m using (till something better comes up):


It seems to have the right notions about what is correct mark-up. The Java 2.5 version even mentions the W3C Tidy app and mapping B and I to STRONG and EM. Works cross browser, you can limit the HTML file you are using with content editable regions, apply strict CSS use… it’s got some good things going for it. It comes in lot’s a different flavours too. Version 3.0 for windows looks like a real hum-dinger. Cleans imported MS Word code.


“Tell ‘em the price son!”. She ain’t cheap. Check the pricing page for your preferred version.


I’m giving serious consideration to (as of this email!):

http://www.wysiwygpro.com/index.asp (cross browser, cheap! seems compliant to a degree, uses CSS (even against a HTML snippet))


I gave serious consideration to:

http://www.interactivetools.com/iforum/P15734/ (cross browser, spell checker, open source!)

but the lack of CSS implementation is what again nabbed that idea.


For more info, refer to these lists – pretty comprehensive!




Hope this helps…


Be great to see some input from others!




!!! A BIG PS !!!


PS. Is there anyone out there who want’s to chat about building CMS sites? I could really use a sounding board for some ideas, and gain some direction from those who might have had some experience. Too many ideas and a limited attention span are really playing havoc with this wee project.


-----Original Message-----
From: Taco Fleur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, 12 January 2004 9:32 AM
Subject: [WSG] Web Editor?


What Web Editor out there produces the cleanest and most valid code?

- Editor that is embedded in IE (seen it, produces really nasty markup)
- Editor that is embedded in Netscape (no exprience)
- Ektron (used it many years ago, was pretty happy with it)
- .....
- Etc.

And which one works in most of the browsers?

Taco Fleur
07 3535 5072

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Show me and I will remember
Teach me and I will learn

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