On Monday, January 12, 2004, at 04:12 PM, Universal Head wrote:

What's the technical difference between the two options? Are the numeric entities the original form and the typographical ones more recent?

The reason this came up is that I've been using the numeric ones, and then I started using skEdit which is an excellent coding tool, but uses the typographical entities.

Then find an editor that suits your needs better. Whilst skEdit is quite nice in many many ways, it has a few quirks (like the named entities) which turned me off it during the demo period. Back to BBEdit for me!!

A good place to learn about entities would be http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/sgml/entities.html -- although it may not specifically answer your question. This should be read in addition to the A List Apart link in my other post.

Justin French

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