Bear in mind it's not the Mac that's the problem, but the browsers. Safari is excellent in supporting CSS IMHO. I find if I design for Safari, most if not all other browsers work pretty much first time. If you try to design a site so it works in a browser that has shaky support for CSS then you are asking for headaches.

It strikes me as odd that people are using web standards and still producing sites that work in one browser but not others (that's a general comment, not a dig at you, BTW!)

It's a nice looking site, though and FWIW most Mac users I know have abandoned IE and Netscape for Safari so feel free to add a Safari logo to yours and consider it more Mac friendly than IE friendly without even trying ;-)

On 8 Mar 2004, at 19:36, Jaime Wong wrote:

Yup my site is anti MAc at the moment. Would get to that nightmare part after everything is finally working right with no sudden bug like this style switcher.
I really dread fixing it for MAC... last alternative is to use absolute positioning I suppose as someone mentioned in this list before that Mac IE does not work well with floats. Was provided few Mac Css solution sites by some nice people here to look at but still confuse.
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