On 9 Mar 2004, at 21:21, Paul Ross wrote:

The trouble with this list - and the people on it - is that you are all too
helpful and friendly. I am also a member of the Webesign-L.com list and would
never post there because the list-mom and most of the members seem to be
arrogant elitist techno-fascists who sneer and chide those of us further down
the learning curve.

Ahh, so you're friends with Steven Champeon then? Heh ;-)

I know what you mean though. Trouble is, it can easily happen with WSG list - all it takes is time and people will learn more, ask more complicated questions and attempt to show how clever they are by posting complicated 'helpful' answers. That's the trouble with discussion lists the world over..

Ian Lloyd
WEB: http://www.ian-lloyd.com/  |  AIM: uklloydi
Round-the-World trip blog: http://ianandmanda.typepad.com/

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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