Thanks for the clarifications, Russ.  So...

> Before you jump for joy at this solution you should be aware that it is not
> supported across older browsers...

It's not a big issue, but it's not trivial either: if I want to center an
img AND have it supported by older browsers (which shouldn't be much to ask,
I wouldn't think), am I right back where I started?  Gotta wrap it in
<p></p> and center the contents of the paragraph?

This also raises a more general newbie question, but nice and philosophical:
are the goals of writing markup and css for old browsers and future browsers
mutually exclusive?  I want to learn to write "good" markup and css --
highly accessible, clean, robust, to the standards.  That's what this list
is all about, right?  If you attempt to accommodate older browsers, does
your good clean robust and standard markup and css start to fall apart?

> For more details, take a look at this:

Wow, that's handy!


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