Remember, for Sydney members, Peter will be doing a detailed presentation at
our next meeting and notes will be available afterwards for all members:

It might be a bit too long to wait for some more immediate answers  :)

> Hey there Peter,
> everyone here at my office has had the day in their calendar to check out the
> redesign. Now that the redesign has shipped and you can now get your life
> back... I'd love to hear (if you have time) about the process involved in the
> redesign.
> There was a report from Forrester last year that a large percentage of
> redesigns make things worse and they cited Macromedia's first iteration as an
> example. They then went on to praise the second redesign -
> From a process point of view, I'd love to know how you approached such a huge
> project.
> ~ How you identified a redesign was necessary
> ~ How you got buy-in from the key stakeholders that a redesign was necessary
> ~ What were the traget areas you wanted to improve and update
> ~ What kind of useability // surveys // focus groups // lab // eye tracking
> testing you did
> ~ How you migrated the templates (you guys use Fatwire as the backend yeah?)
> ~ How you went about browser testing and what browsers you promised the
> stakeholders you would test for
> ~ How rigourous was your test plan
> ~ How many releases and iterations you did do before final release
> ~ What have been the anectdotal responses from users
> ~ What are the measureable benefits from the redesign
> mmm - so many questions - so little time. I'm sure you're going to have a busy
> couple of weeks so I will understand if you ignore such a long list of
> sticky-beak questions...
> I would.
> Personally - I love the redesign.
> A bienetot,
> Benvolio 

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