I'm not clear to what your problem is from the email? You have 3 graphics (at least the only three that are showing up in FFox + IE6). One is a solid purple column, one is a city and is horizontal, and the other is a purple to white blender for the city bottom edge.

In FFox and IE, your blender image does slide up against the vertical purple image.
In FFox and IE, there is no whitespace separating either the horizontal or verical cells from the edge of the browser window.

A shot of your site with the cells outlined from Firefox:

I always design for an 800x600 resolution, which last I saw was the mid-line standard for the majority of users' screen resolutions, although I'd figure with technology advancing its probably a safe bet to design for 1024x768 as well. HTH.



YoYoEtc wrote:

Hello Everyone:

This is my first post to this list and I do hope it is not off topic.

I am creating a web site and am working on the home page (fairly new web designer, too). Normally, I make the page small so it can be seen by older monitors but this time I wanted to see if I could have it fill the entire page, no matter which monitor it was being viewed on.

I am hitting two problems.

1 - I can't get the blended image at the bottom of the large horizontal graphic at the top to slide right over to jut up against the left column.

2 - Even though I have selected 100% for the size of the table, there is still white space above the horizontal graphic and to the left of the vertical graphic. My cell padding and spacing are already set to zero.

I put the page on another site of mine so you can see it - http://www.fourpawstrail.com/newsite/index.html

Can anyone help?


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