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Hi Justin,

I haven't looked at using alternate stylesheets for a while but from what I
remember the one of the important features is the title attribute as well
as the obvious rel="alternate stylesheet"

It works as follows:
- If there is no title (and it's not marked alternate) then the stylesheet
will be loaded by default and apply across all titles.
- Then then any other stylesheets not marked alternate are loaded - and all
stylesheets with the same title will display.
- Alternate stylesheets are not loaded but when switching the core
(untitled) should still apply.

Here's a snippet

<link rel="stylesheet" href="core.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="default.css" title="Default">
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" href="alt1.css" title="Alternate 1">
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" href="alt2.css" title="Alternate 2">

I've done a very quick test in IE6 and Mozilla and doesn't seem to have any
Mark Lynch
Development Manager - Business Innovation Online
Ernst & Young - Australia
Direct: +612 9248 4038
Fax: +612 9248 4073
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                       Justin French                                                   
                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]         To:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]           
             >                 cc:                                     
                       Sent by:                Subject: [WSG] alternate style sheets 
expert here?  [Virus checkedAU]             
                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                               
                       10:48 AM                                                        
                       Please respond                                                  
                       to wsg                                                          

Do we have an expert on alternate stylesheets in the house?

I'm a little confused.

What I'd like to do is link or @import a few base style sheets for the
general (default) site design first.  Then on top of that I'd like to
link to a series of alternate style sheets that ADD TO those base

Seems easy enough, and the code on seems
like a good starting place, but when I look at his alternate style
sheets, they're not *alternate*, they're *alternate additional*, in
other words, the alternate style sheets act as a group of alternatives
(of which 0-1 can be selected) which will be applied  *in addition to*
the base style sheet.

Is this a reasonable summary?  Can someone provide a clearer definition?

To add to the confusion, I'm hoping to tie this all into a PHP session
and membership preferences, but that's another story all together :)

Justin French

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