Have a look at this its the same case Taco, but the discussion widens on
the two laws that currently cover this area, ( to my knowledge ). 


I would guess that you are familial with the European Human Rights Bill and
the Accessibility laws instituted in the last few years in Europe I would
"guess" that anything here would be based on something similar.

As a risk management issue I am sticking to what I know from Europe, hoping
that this will be harder than any regulation here.


Original Message:
From: Taco Fleur [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 26 May 2004 07:51:08 +1000
Subject: [WSG] 

Are there currently any laws in Australia that dictate a website should be
accessible to vision impaired people etc.?
If so, to what websites does it apply and has anyone taken any websites to
court over not being accessible?
What I could find so far only the following:
- http://www.sportslawnews.com/archive/Articles%202000/SportsBriefs904.htm

Are there any links to what standards certain websites need to apply?

I believe this has been asked before however a quick scan though my mailbox
did not return anything.


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