On 01/06/2004, at 2:22 PM, Ned Lukies wrote:

Has anyone come up with some solutions for helping the client maintain their
own content while still retaining standards compliance?

a) Macromedia Contribute could work out fine for small stuff, and is really the only GUI option I'd consider -- everything else will be browser based, and result in similar problems to what you're already experiencing.

b) Textpattern [1] is a new open source CMS with Textile [2] in it, a standards-compliant web text generator that runs off a sort-off web/email shorthand thing using pure ASCI, so it's cross platform, and the XHTML it generates is nothing short of beautiful. You may consider a complete Textpattern site, or just stripping on Textile for use inside your own system. It's written in PHP by Dean Allen.

c) Markdown [3] is a simple Textile-like web text generator written in Perl by John Gruber. It has a smaller range of features than Textile, which is probably a good thing.

d) Simon Wilson has also written a few articles and snippets on creating simple, standards compliant mark-up from user input, some of which may rub off on you. [4]

1 http://www.textpattern.com/ 2 http://www.textism.com/tools/textile/ 3 http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/ 4 http://simon.incutio.com/archive/2004/04/13/myriadOfMarkupSystems

Justin French

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