I would appreciate feedback on the following (personal) site (please disregard previous posting):

http://www.bureke.com.au/  (temporary address)

The main CSS page is at:


The site is valid XHTML 1.0 and CSS.

I have checked on WIN IE 5.0 and 6, Safari 1.2.2 (Mac), Netscape 7.1 (Mac), IE 5.2 (Mac), Opera 7.5 (Mac), Firefox 0.8 (Mac).

A couple of questions:

1. Is there a work around to prevent the left hand navigation from indenting in WIN IE 5.0 (I want to retain the border-bottom, but I think this is why the browser shows the links indented) ? I notice Eric Meyer's example
( http://css.maxdesign.com.au/listamatic/vertical06.htm also has the same quirk in IE 5.0).

2. In IE 5.0 the bottom of #content does not continue to the footer. Any ideas?

3. In both IE 5.0 and 6 there seems to be a padding-left problem with the #rightnav - ie too much space to the left. Any ideas?

If someone can also check on WIN IE 5.5 and/or any other WIN browsers ???

Any other suggestions for improvements in layout, style sheet formatting, usability etc, would be gratefully received. I would like the site to also be more accessible - not a great strength of mine, any help here also appreciated.

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