>> Sometimes it is good to have people with vision to lead people where
they would not go themselves.

and sometimes the world marches past 'cos they're too slow

Lets hurry up and have CSS behavious added to the spec - it's a damn
fine idea.

the "camel" committee* has bandied this about for the last 4 years and
(it seems) is still on the to do list.


That way it'll actually integrate HTML, CSS and javascript and give us
TRUE dhtml. 

my Friday 2c worth

* "camel": a horse designed by committee 

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, 8 July 2004 10:51 PM
Subject: RE: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

>Well, to answer that i dare you to walk into any web-based enterprise
that has a DHTML intranet, and say the >following words:
>"Get rid of IFRAMES, and use something else"
>Wear some padding, as the fall from the window could be high.

>Scott Barnes

I think this demonstrates why having the "Web" vote on what should be
standards falls flat.

Wallace Stegner wrote, "I don't know what I like as much as I like what
I know." Meaning, in this context, that people are likely to maintain
what they know and are comfortable with rather than to move forward into
concepts that force them to change. 

I work in a university and my guess if put to a vote we would have
outlawed any sort of CSS-P and probably any CSS at all. These folks grew
up on tables and <font> tags and are loathe to give them up. 

Sometimes it is good to have people with vision to lead people where
they would not go themselves.

Joe Huggins

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The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
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