On 10/07/2004, at 1:29 PM, Geoff Deering wrote:

Do others think about CSS, design and layouts from the point of view of
flexible, extensible frameworks? I'm sure a lot of us try and design our
own sites like that so that we can reuse our own components.

I think it's possible for such frameworks to exist, but the reality is that each user of the framework will fall into one of two categories:

1. They're using the framework, but the framework is overkill with many containers and elements which simply aren't needed in the scope of the project, or

2. They're trying to use the framework, but technical limitations won't let them achieve the visual or business goals they've set.

Plone, Textpattern, etc could all have nicer default layouts and frameworks, but the reality is that nearly every project is different, and needs it's own solution. ZenGarden-like interchaning stylesheets on many similar sites would be great, but it's all pie-in-the-shy to me -- it will be overkill for some, and too limiting for others.

Justin French

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