Looks like I need to do some work on my spelling as well as my html/css :)

> I'm at work, so am being forced to use IE5.5 (entirely against my will, I
> assure you). The content is dropping below the menu. Afraid I can't offer a
> solution at the moment as my pc/ie won't let me view the css (yes, I love
> my Win95 pc...) - I imagine it's something to do with widths and ie not
> being able to add. I can send you a screenshot if that helps - let me know
> and I'll send it offlist.

Thanks for that. The problem you described was showing up in IE6 earlier, but 
I somehow managed to solve it. The layout was based on something from 
csscreator.com and I thought I included all of the IE5 hacks. I guess not. 
Any further insight would be usefull

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