Andreas Boehmer wrote:

So the ability to have the titles of links read out by screenreaders can be influenced by a setting?

Relying on that setting is dangerous, don't you think?

Of course it is. The best option by far, in my opinion, is having the news item title as the actual link, but you were looking for alternatives.

It would also be conceivable to use a small image that signifies the "read entire article" concept, and expanding it fully in the alt attribute alt="read this article: [TITLE OF ARTICLE]" - or using CSS image replacement for this purpose.

> If the users
have the reading of title attributes turned off, they won't hear any difference between the links. In fact, no users of screenreaders I have met so far could hear the title attributes.

Just to throw in a devil's advocate type comment: the onus is also on the user to know how to use their AT, and how to configure it properly (although I'd say the screenreader developers are to blame for mostly having this option OFF by default...I'm looking at you, FreedomScientifc)

Patrick H. Lauke

re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.] |

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