I'm a Mac/Linux-on-occasion/PC-only-when-I-have-to user so I could be wrong but:

<!-- SCOTTSCHILLER V4.04: Now with more funk. -->
<!--                                          -->
<!-- This code may contain questionable ECMA- -->
<!-- script practices. Particularly in terms  -->
<!-- of object-oriented, event-driven, hacked -->
<!-- recursive animation script. May crash IE -->
<!-- on win32, so watch out.                  -->
<!--                                          -->
<!-- scott (scottschiller.com) - 20040612     -->

Indicates Win32 which I thought referred to earlier versions of the Windows platform and therefore includes browsers less and less in the majority?


yes, true... but i was thinking in terms of browser share, for the developer
says in his code-comments that his site crashes IE-based browsers. not
something that would appeal to the most of the wider market, eh.


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