Hugh Todd wrote:
> Michael wrote:
> > I'd still welcome input from designers

> 5) I'd suggest setting your "body" font size to 76% or 0.7em. It looks
> just a little better at that size.

It already is .7em, which is only half default size (49% of the total
pixels per character box of the default size).
If one is using IE6 and the median screen resolution of 1024x768,
scrolling is required to discover the <H2> "Too small to read?" (which
at 1.5em X 13px is ~2.5px smaller than my Gecko default). If one gets to
the point of seeing it and clicking on it, he is delivered a page that
also has everything except headings and <TD> ("What's on the air today:"
data is much larger in IE than is <p> on the rest of the page) set to
13px (which is who knows how big compared to the user's default, which
in my case translates to a minescule 35%), on this a page ostensibly
intended to help the user overcome too small page text. How is a user
supposed to read this? What a paradox - help that needs help!

On this help page at the very least the help text should be big enough
to read - e.g. 1.0em. But then that begs the question - if the text was
big enough in the first place, the visitor wouldn't need the page in the
first place, would he?

The chevrons placed to the left of the teaserpara.h2 in Gecko are
obscuring the h2 in IE.

I didn't look into the why, but at higher resolutions, the topmost menu
wraps below itself on top of the dark background. Also, the date is
split into two parts, part on the left, the rest imposed illegibly on
the dark blue background of the top of the schedule table.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." U.S. Constitution, Amendment 1

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***

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