Felix (and anyone else),

When you buy wallpaper, how on earth do you manage to change the default
size of the pattern? Also, when you buy someone a coffee table book, say, of
great art works, do you buy them seven copies, each with a different size
type/layout and ask them which one they want? When you watch something on
Television, do you have a set of large magnifiers (or reducers) to put in
front of the screen, so you can use the one to suit your mood?

I'd be surprised :-)

These things (and nearly everything else in life) are at the mercy of the
designers who helped produced them. For a lot of web designers (as opposed
to web site producing technicians), a web site is just the same - it isn't
arrogant, it's called passion.

If you as a client don't like what a web designer does, you choose someone
else, just like with the wallpaper.

You know the old saying: "you can't please all of the people all of the
Anyone who thinks he can is the one being arrogant :-)

Bob McClelland,
Cornwall (U.K.)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Felix Miata" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 1:31 PM
Subject: Re: [WSG] Font size

> It is arrogant to impose it, rather than merely wish it.  [snip]

> No, the biggest problem is designers think their opinion of aesthetics
> is paramount to usability and access, failing to understand and/or
> accept that:
> "The web is about control, but not the designer's, it is the user's
> control that is central to the design and philosophy of the web." John
> Allsopp at http://webstandardsgroup.org/features/john-allsopp.cfm
> Web pages should be ready to use on arrival. Zoom is a defensive measure
> designed to override designers' override of user default settings. Style
> switchers are helpful, but don't eliminate the basic problem. Visitors
> shouldn't need to make adjustments to use a page. If you like mousetype,
> fine, use it, but set your own defaults to mousetype before designing,
> allowing you, and *everyone* else to automatically enjoy the size best
> for them.

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