Thanks for the links, Terrence. However, I think I was misunderstood. I mean that for all the designer work I've seen in trying to figure out what browsers do with various settings (such as these links), I haven't seen much in the way of statistics on what users are doing with those settings. Would it be useful, for example, to have stats on your own site that read something like this:

Default Font Size   #users   % users
16px                1234      57%
12px                 567      23%
18px                  89       5%

...and so forth. Javascript can measure this easily, and then dump the measurement into the web logs for later collection. This is how stats are gathered on screen size and plugin distribution.

It seems to me that without evidence on how people are using your sites, design choices based on all the other information are merely well-informed stabs in the dark.

On Nov 18, 2004, at 5:15 PM, Terrence Wood wrote:
Actually, Felix has some interesting studies on his site about font size, pixel, resolution relationships:
and added:
also look here:
On 2004-11-19 1:02 PM, Ben Curtis wrote:
This has been an interesting, if heated, thread. I think a large part of it revolves around being unable to measure people's default font size. The "arrogance" vs. "idealist" portion of the discussion. So I'm building something to measure the default size of things. Anyone know of someone else that has already done this? I'd hate to duplicate effort.


        Ben Curtis
        WebSciences International
        v: (310) 478-6648
        f: (310) 235-2067

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