Hi folks,

As I said when I sent the first post, I thought it would be good to hear what an Adobe employee had to say about implementing CSS in their visual editor. especially in light of the discussion of searching to hire CSS-capable employees (especially designers).

I would think that most designers (as opposed to programmers) begin web work in a visual editor like Dreamweaver or GoLive. It's critical for those programs to not only support CSS, but to have at least a "CSS track", so that you can easily design in CSS. I've left feedback at the GoLive forum saying just that. On the other hand, the newest version of GoLive has a reworked and very usable CSS editor and preview. The only thing I've found it doesn't like is CSS shorthand.

I've been a print designer for many years and only became interested in web design when CSS became really usable (I use styles extensively in print design, so CSS made sense to me immediately). And, like many folks, I got GoLive as a free extra in the Creative Suite.

I was interested in John's (Adobe guy) comment because I never heard that there might be any problems implementing css in a visual editor. I don't have any answers, but I thought it might stimulate someone here to think on it.

PS, my site needs help, but I'm too busy finishing up a 120 page print project at the moment to work on it. I know I need to work on font size (in pixels now), and class declarations, content on the homepage, table for main navigation, etc. I'll be asking for your help after I give it another go in December (in case you take a look and figure I'm pretty bad). And it's my first website.

Best regards,

Marilyn Langfeld

On Nov 26, 2004, at 2:10 AM, Rick Faaberg wrote:

On 11/25/04 9:46 PM "Sam - SS29" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent this out:

As far as I see Adobe is not to bothered with webstandards, Macromedia
see standard compliance as a string to DW bow.

The adobe site is based old skool web design, surface looks nice but
underneth its ugly.

Sorry, but your post is idiotic.

I use GoLive everyday and all the code it produces is "standard". What
GoLive are you using that produces non-standard code?

Rick Faaberg

Ps. Please learn to spell, and to use apostrophes for plurals and
contractions correctly. Thanks!

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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