Well, last night's Sydney WSG end of year meeting was interesting.

We had 11 people turn up, but considering it was absolutely pouring rain,
the city was in total gridlock, we chose a venue that was absolutely packed
AND was largely an out-door space, we did quite well. We sat around under
umbrella's shivering, waiting for everyone to turn up so we could go
somewhere dry.

John Horner had the idea of the evening, which was to take photos of
everyone in the bar (some 200 people or so) and then blog the event as if
all of them had turned up to the Firefox party - with a headline of "Sydney
REALLY knows how to throw a Firefox party!". We resisted the urge.

Anyway, as this was our last official event of the year, I would like to
wish a happy chrismahanukwanzakah to you...



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