I went back and re-checked for CSS and HTML validation: You still have some problems to fix. The CSS validator shows an error page. The HTML validator clearly states your code is not valid XHTML 1.0 Strict, with 136 errors. You'll have to fix those first.

It looks to me like you'll have to go back to the drawing board. One thing I suggest is reviewing not only HTML/XHTML/CSS validation and document types, but also learning a bit more about using CSS for positioning rather than putting all your content into tables and laying them out that way. Start by looking at http://www.positioniseverything.net and go from there. Once you start using those techniques, you'll have a much cleaner site, codewise, that is vastly easier to maintain.

As far as the colors, there's definitely room for improvement - I see a couple of people have posted some links to color scheme selectors you can use, so hopefully you find those helpful.

Leslie Riggs

I do have one set of head, body and html tags.

I have validated my CSS and HTML.

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