Have you tried http://www.albin.net/CSS/roundedCorners/ ?

Not sure if it can do inner shadows, but its worth trying

Neerav Bhatt
Web Development & IT consultancy

http://www.bhatt.id.au/blog/ - Ramblings Thoughts

Lori Leach wrote:
I have a design that am coding, and I need to make a "css rounded corner
box" with shadows INSIDE:

The box needs to look like:

I have tried about ten different css rounded box options to get it to work,
and it is just NOT working!

It needs to be fluid width, and exactly as it appears in the graphic.

Has anyone ever seen a rounded corner box with INNER shadow anywhere online
so that I may take a gander at how they did it??

Thanks for any help!

Lori Leach

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