Lyn Patterson wrote:

Have a floated box that I want to sit inside and overhang another box. This works fine in FF and Opera but IE is clearing the normal box and putting it underneath the floated box.

How do I make this work in IE?

You can make it work - partially at least - by "removing" <div class="intro" from the "unnatural" flow in IE/win through style-changes. That is "negative back-side margins on floats" - for short... :)

Additional style (bottom of stylesheet):

@media all {
* html div.intro {margin-right: -100%; position: relative;}

IE/win need a "stronger" clearer now, so use a
<br style="clear: both;" /> instead of <div class="clearboth"></div>

Make this change: <p>Recommended Domain<br />Registry Partners</p>

... it will at least look like IE/win understands something.

Your layout - using percentage width - is only stable on wide screens in
any browser, and the above won't change that.

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