> Andreas Boehmer wrote:
> > If you look in IE/PC at http://dev.rmittestlab.com/ you will notice that
> > there is a little blue space under the "Services" heading. 
> You are experiencing "The IE Three Pixel Text-Jog" described in
> http://www.positioniseverything.net/explorer/threepxtest.html

I have applied the hack to it as you suggested and it works fine. Thanks

> I think your layout would become more IE-stable with floating 
> #content_right instead of positioning it with margin-left.

The reason I didn't give it a float is because I can't assign a width to
it. There is no fixed or relative width I could give it - #content_right
always takes up [width of window]-180px. What problems do you see with
the current solution? I tested it in most browsers (Mac & PC) and
haven't seen any problems so far (other than the 3px bug of course).
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