Andreas Boehmer [Addictive Media] wrote:

I couldn't think of any way to do it in css. The only way would be
   , but that's fairly annoying.

AFAIK, the all the non-markup specific entities (ie: the ones that aren't: ", &, <, >) have been depreciated, if not removed, from XHTML2.0 since being based on XML means Unicode should be used.

...Including the  

I'm guessing that XHTML2.0/XML will respect multiple whitespace when within an inline container or paragraph, so " " would be valid. But grammatically it isn't in British English or American English. MS Word does support "two spaces after periods", so I'm guessing that some obscure country uses this system.

I do have a relevant question relating to this problem: Is there any advantage in word-wrapping markup'd paragraphs?

-David R
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