At 10:37 AM -0600 2/10/05, Christopher M Kelly wrote:
Possibly so, but is an architect being given the short straw by being
required to include ramps and elevators in the design of a building?

The issue is to force companies to make software/hardware better. Something that is physically possible. Your analogy is having architects wanting disabled people to become non-disabled so he/she doesn't have to put in ramps and elevators. Something that is not possible, unfortunately, and not at all the same thing.

To have Moz and M$ be part of the W3C, and then turn out browsers (in the past, anyway) that ignore, mess up or reinterpret the standards they help create seems foolish at best. Should we, as part of our jobs, hack and work around these problems for the users, yes. Should it forever be our jobs, no. New versions of browsers should follow/comply with the standards. Period.

My 2¢ have now been contributed. Carry on...

Tom Livingston
Senior Multimedia Artist
Media Logic
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