Hi Patrick, 

Thanks, but when I tried to insert "onresize" into the <body> tag it told me
it was invalid. Also if only "CSS3 Media Queries" were compatible, that
suggestion was man July 2002!!! Anyway I don't want to get off-topic, does
anybody has a solution for what I am trying to achieve? I had a look at the
"A List Apart" style switcher, but this is only if the user "clicks" on a
link. And the JS function doesn't check the users browser width, then select
the correct stylesheet. So I need the site to check the users browser width,
then load the correct stylesheet, HOWEVER, if the user resizes their
browser, and the browser goes below 800px wide then I want the page to
automaticall swap the stylesheet.

Thanks everyone, this would be really useful, because the client I am
building for is saying that when they view the site I have built in their
1600x1200 resolution it looks too "stretched" across their screen, and looks
odd. And they asked me if I can set the to stop increasing its width when it
reaches 1024px wide. But the "max-width" CSS attribute doesn't work in IE!!
So instead I have to resort to having two stylesheets, cause if I set one of
the stylesheets to 1024px wide MAX, if I was to view that in 800x600, I
would get a horizontal scroller. So instead I need to automatically load in
the stylesheet that has all its widths optimised for 800x600 or less.

Thanks again everyone.


Unless I'm mistaken, "resize" is still accepted as a DOM event.

No time to test, but you should be able to programmatically attach this
event to your document's body.


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