Good morning mates,

I've just completed a re-design of a customer's site using web standards.
My XHTML (strict) and CSS validate with no errors. I'm primarily
interested in feedback pertaining to my code and how closely it adheres to
proper semantic markup.

In addition, any input regarding my CSS syntax and structure is also
greatly appreciated. Of course, suggestions or comments on the site's
design are always welcomed.

Customer site: http://www.coylemedical.com/

I've been designing for 7 years, but studying web standards for about 15
months, and still consider myself a beginner. I did check the site in FF
1.0, Opera 7.4 and IE 6 with a few minor display differences. Please know
that 78% of my visitors use IE based on my traffic report.

Respectfully requested,
Mario S. Cisneros

Also, IE 6 appear strangely as well:

Peter J. Farrell :: Maestro Publishing

blog    :: http://blog.maestropublishing.com
email   :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
phone   :: 651-204-0513

I've learned that artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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