CSS doesn't have strict separation of versions. The validator should check only "well-formness" of it.

That's certainly not what the W3 validator does.

The example which prompted this is "display:inline-block". If I validate a file with that in it, I get this:


* Line: 8 Context : .myclass
Invalid number : display inline-block is not a display value : inline-block

If I know how, I can

1) go back to the validator page
2) choose advanced options
3) choose CSS Version 3 from the TEN different options available

and it will tell me it's valid.

Note that one of the ten options is "No special profile" and that too tells me it's an error...

What prompted this question was me trying to spread that message that you should validate your code to a skeptic. I don't think I convinced them by telling them they should follow that set of steps...
"Have You Validated Your Code?"
John Horner (+612 / 02) 9333 3488
Senior Developer, ABC Online http://www.abc.net.au/
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