Carl Reynolds schrieb:
... if I narrow the IE window enough that a horizontal scroll bar appears and refresh, or go to the page for the first time, the menu area (on the left) disappears. If I then widen the window far enough for the scroll bar to go away, the menu appears and remains visible, even if I narrow the window again. The menu will stay visible until I refresh the window again with the scroll bar visible.

The page is composed of a <div> called #menu that is position: absolute ( this is the one that vanishes) and a second <div> called #center-layout. #menu contains a <ul> containing links to other pages and #center-layout contains several other <div>s used to layout the center part of the page.

I had thought this might be a peek-a-boo bug and have applied position: relative to #menu and its children and to #center-layout and most of its children. That didn't change the behavior at all.

Carl, I narrowed it down to this test page (assuming your permission):

And I think the problem (the a. p. menu is disappearing in IE6 and IE5.5 on reload) is triggered when the floated div#center-layout's

margin-left: any value em + width:70% exceeds 100%.

(see section 3; section2 prevents the bug)

Sorry, I have no real explanation for this behavior nor a fix yet.
Given this layout, you could try to hide the width:70% from IE/Win or define the margin-left (which may lead to more problems) with percentages.

Maybe someone can open my eyes?


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