On Thu, 12 May 2005 15:56:10 +0100, Thierry Koblentz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think of people stuck with old browsers, the same way I think of people
using keyboard navigation, etc.
I believe browser support is accessibility, so I spend time "tweaking" my
sheets, *trying* to make my sites look good in as many browsers as possible.

Pretty does not mean accessible. I think it's better to spend time on some WAI checkpoints rather than adding display tweaks for NN4 and alike.
If your HTML is well-written, it should be pretty accessible without stylesheets or scripting, and you could spend your time on something more useful.

Mac: Mozilla, Firefox, Safari, Camino, IE5.0 (OS9) and 5.2 (OSX)
Windows: MSIE 5.0/5.5/6.0 - NN 4/6/7 - Opera 6+, Mozilla, Firebird, Firefox 0.8+

I'd absolutely drop NN4. If it still has any users alive, they should be used to that sites are unstyled/broken in it.
NN6 is rather experimental/broken and I can't even find a trace of it in webstats I use (ranking.pl).

Opera users upgrade so quickly that Opera 6 now has few times smaller userbase than IE4. It's really marginal - I guess most of them are mobile phones users, and only Opera 7+ has option for testing handheld styles...

Check Gecko versions in NN7/Firebird and Mozilla/Firefox you use - probably they use (almost) the same engines, so you don't have to use them all for testing.

regards, Kornel Lesiński
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