Patrick H. Lauke wrote:



On 5/19/05, Andy Budd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Nancy Johnson wrote:

Is it true that the W3C has not done a spec for Flash? If that is so

Because Flash is a proprietary product!

So, the W3C is the web's standards body, and they only define guidelines for making official W3C technologies accessible.

And WCAG 1.0 guideline 11 also states "Use W3C technologies and guidelines"

It's also worth noting that, by definition, Flash cannot be 100% accessible (as there will always be the initial hurdle of certain browsing environments or assistive technologies not being able to understand, or hook into, a flash movie).

I appreciate what Patrick H. Lauke is saying about flash never being 100%
the thing is that flash content is highly desirable by both site owners and user (those that don;t have to work with it)

I originally asked for feed back from the list since the Make Poverty History website uses 'flashObject' to replace the innerHTML of a div with the flash mark up.

I feel that thhis is a nifty litlle fail safe method of using 'proprietry' technology in pages, features can be built around the use of flashObject to give users the option of no flash content

My question is focussed on the following question:
Is flashObject the best method for encorperating flash into pages? as aposed to others plain mark up (object / embed), flash Satay, or sIFR

   I just visited the following from

The thing is that clients and users want all singing all dancing sites. Most of my clients don't care much beyond the surface and they want the surface to be gleaming and polished. I attempt to meet these expectations and still adhere to other aspects of site building which I understand the importance of


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