> <dt>At x:xxpm so-and-so said:</dt>
> <dd>blah blah blah</dd>

Accurate I suppose although I'm a bit undecided about numbering
inserted as content. Similarly been thinking about markup for search
engine results.

> <ol>
> <li>At x:xxpm so-and-so said:
>  <blockquote>blah blah blah</blockquote>
> </li>
> </ol>

Thinking this through.... <q> and <blockquote> mark up sections of
content which did not originate from the document's author. So I guess
this is semantically correct on the basis that the hosting site did
not create the content.

Thinking back to my search results scenario, the document summary
could be considered a quote as well.

Hmmm. Mental cogs grinding. Hang on, it's supposed to be friday night.... ;)


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