I believe that you need to do something like the following
window. {
      stripe('playlist', '#fff', '#edf3fe');
atb S

Drake, Ted C. wrote:
Hi All
I've been trying to get a straight answer for this question from our
_javascript_ person but haven't gotten it yet. I hope this is on-topic.

Many of us are already using the great Zebra Tables from Alistapart.com
It requires an onload event for the body tag and to include a link to the
_javascript_ file. This in itself is easy enough. However, our current site
unfortunately has the body tag in an include. This would mean every page
would have the body onload event whether or not it had a link to the
_javascript_ file and/or a table worth striping.

Here are my questions for you.

1. Does it hurt to have an onload event without a link to the _javascript_?
This assumes we add the link on pages that need it. 
2. Are there any performance issues if the body onload event is added and
the link to the _javascript_ is added, yet the page has no table worth
striping?  This particular script is common enough to be analyzed. But in
general is this an issue?

I need to make a decision on this as soon as possible and any help is much

The pages are html tag soup. We are beginning our conversion with semantic
coding of the content and new projects are using XHTML 1.0 transitional.

Thanks again.
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