its not very in depth piece of critism,

the site users flash (which may be why you don't like it)
I find that clients like flash ask for it and demand it, they don't know of webstandards

i am researching method of marrying the two disciplines (and indeed the wider array of web disciplines)

I have also found this UFO

which impresses me greatly - silent javascript

different sites require different techniques every site i make uses flash - I don;t want this to be at the expense of webstandards and the benefits they behold

I strive fourth with my aims and research

can members be descriptive with critism? please

many thanks Sam

David Laakso wrote:

sam sherlock wrote:

I happened acrosss this site on stylegala.

I would like to know what the list members think of the site

Not much.

critism / praise and other comments

atb - Sam

David Laakso

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