Do you mean for using more than one label for a form? Note the explicit and implicit relationship of the second label.

How about an an error message....

<!-- top of page -->
<p>Sorry, we were unable to process this form. Please check your value for <label for="foo">foo</label>.</p>

<!-- snip, later in the page -->
<label for="foo">Foo <input type=text id="foo" name="foo" /></input>

clicking the label in the error message focuses the form control. The draw back is that you need to wrap the entire page in a form, instead of having it contained in a smaller block.


On 2 Aug 2005, at 1:26 PM, Chris Kennon wrote:


An example of this structure would prove enlightening.

On Aug 1, 2005, at 3:16 PM, Terrence Wood wrote:

you score more points with Cynthia with explicit labels.

Explicit relationships means you can have more than one label for a form control... and yes, you are allowed to do that.

If it works with the visual design I usually use an explicit and implicit relationship.

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