Hi Thierry

If were gonna git nitpicky.
I'd clean up this code on the shopping cart:

<tr valign="top" class="altRowOdd"> 
<td><input name="lineID2" type="hidden" value="59" />
<label for="qty2"><a href="details.asp?prodID=72">Marbled White</a>
<br /> 
&raquo; Color: Black
<br /> 
&raquo; Size: X-Small
<td class="aligncenter">$75.00</td> 
<td class="aligncenter"><input id="qty2" name="qty2" type="text" value="1"
size="3" onblur="cleanField(this)" /></td> 
<td class="alignright">$75.00</td> 
<td class="aligncenter"> <input name="remove" type="checkbox"
class="formCheckbox" value="59" /></td> 


<tr (alternating row class inserted with js)> 
<td class="colproduct">
<li><input name="lineID2" type="hidden" value="59" /> 
<label for="qty2"><a href="details.asp?prodID=72">Marbled White</a>
<li>Color: Black</li>
<li>Size: X-Small</li>
<td >$75.00</td> 
<td class="colquantity"><input id="qty2" name="qty2" type="text" value="1"
size="3" onblur="cleanField(this)" /></td> 
<td class="coltotal">$75.00</td> 
<td class="colremove"> <input name="remove" type="checkbox"
class="formCheckbox" value="59" /></td> 

Use CSS to define the alignment on the cells, use an unordered list instead
of br tags.

I like the even/odd rows for tables and divs in this page and the product
page.  If you are not already using the zebraAll.js script from list member
Patrick Lauke, give him a holler. It handles the striping of divs, tables,
lists, and more from one script. I've been using it and absolutely love it.

Will you be releasing this as a package soon? E-commerce forms are a dime a
dozen but there is so little out there that is as well thought-out as this.

Nice work.


-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of David Laakso
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 8:44 AM
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: Re: [WSG] Site Check (eStore)

Thierry Koblentz wrote:

>I've put it through a few browsers on PC, but I'm pretty limited on the Mac
>Thierry | www.TJKDesign.com
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