
I'm working on a site that has lots of "click here" links. I believe it's considered bad form to use "click here" rather than making the link on words that better represent the title of the page being linked. Does anyone know a rule I can point to (and send my client to read) re accessibility and "click here"?

http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG10/wai-pageauth.html#tech-meaningful-links :

13.1 Clearly identify the target of each link. [Priority 2]

   Link text <http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG10/wai-pageauth.html#link-text>
   should be meaningful enough to make sense when read out of context
   -- either on its own or as part of a sequence of links. Link text
   should also be terse. For example, in HTML, write "Information about
   version 4.3" instead of "click here".


Bert Doorn, Better Web Design
Fast-loading, user-friendly websites

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