Andy Budd wrote:
Why don't you ask mister Rutter?

You know what, I must have known this at some stage as I always set %
on the body tag to avoid problems with font sizing in IE. I just didn't put two and two together and realise it was the same issue. I think the name "extreme font-resizing bug" just threw me as I've never heard it called that before.

I thought it was a quite descriptive "name" for an old bug. Must be a
flaw in my Norwenglish... :-)

Seriously though; if solving it by setting 'font-size: 100%;' on 'html'
and em-value on 'body', then better make sure it _is_ '100%' and _no_
other value on 'html'. Otherwise it looks like we may have a nice, but
unwanted, variation of font-sizes across browser-land.

Test 1:
html {font-size: 100%;}
body {font-size: 1em;}
... should result in 1em as base.

Test 2:
html {font-size: 200%;}
body {font-size: 0.5em;}
... should result in 1em as base.

Test 3:
html {font-size: 50%;}
body {font-size: 2em;}
... should result in 1em as base.

Only IE/win gave me the indicated results (1em).
Opera)8.50) and Firefox(1.5b1) didn't agree on anything but test 1.

- Can anyone confirm (or correct) this result?
- What about other browsers?

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