Jan Brasna wrote:
":after generated content cannot receive some CSS properties, including 'position', 'float', list properties, and table properties."

That's CSS2. Can't find that line in CSS2.1.

This seems to open for a bit more "real use":
"The :before and :after pseudo-elements elements interact with other
boxes, such as run-in boxes, as if they were real elements inserted just
inside their associated element."
-- http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/generate.html

Firefox won't even react to 'margin', as exemplified by W3C (CSS21),
while Opera, Safari, and even iCab, are doing fine with simple 'margin'
and absolute positioning. Only Opera seems to be able to handle
'positioned :hover:after'.

So, what are we supposed to be able to do with these pseudo-elements in
the future?

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