> I understand your desire to be completely explicit in terms of assigning
> a header to a list, I'd say that (X)HTML is just not that explicit a
> language in that respect, and that *source order* is used to infer a lot
> of this type of assignment. Think, for instance, about a normal page
> structure like
> <h1>Heading</h1>
> <p>first paragraph</p>
> <h2>Sub heading</h2>
> <p>second paragraph</p>
> Now, in HTML, there is no *explicit* hook in the markup that
> unequivocally says that the h1 applies to all that comes below it, that
> the headings for the second paragraph are both the h2 and the h1, etc.
> It all comes from the actual document structure.
> --
> Patrick H. Lauke

I had a feeling someone would say that, and that's probably why it
will stay the way it is now. But now I'm curious; what happened to the
<lh> tag, why was it taken out?

C Montoya
rdpdesign.com ... liquid.rdpdesign.com ... montoya.rdpdesign.com
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