On 21 Nov 2005, at 8:33 pm, Andy Budd wrote:

One of my annoyances with Opera is that it calculates the "shrink-to-fit" width of absolutely positioned elements to be the minimum width, basically adding a break after each word. I wanted to write about how annoying this was, but thought I'd better check the specs first, just in case it was actually right.


First, which version of Opera are you testing ?
Second, what kind of content goes into that absolute positioned element ?

If I put an element with just some static text in, Opera 7.5 - 9 prev display the same as Firefox (1.6a1 nightly), Camino (1.0b), iCab, Safari 1.2+. However, add a floated block in there, and then Opera is a bit more aggressive.[1] Put multiple floated blocks in the AP element, and Opera 7 behaves differently from others. That was a know bug in that version (not limited to AP elements, btw).

The spec doesn't specify exactly what should happen;  here is the key:
<quote> CSS 2.1 does not define the exact algorithm</quote>

What exactly is a line break ? Does the end of a *floated* span constitute a line break in this context ?

And if you start to play with more complex constructions, the differences between all (decent) browser increase, see [2] as one example.

[1] http://dev.l-c-n.com/_temp/AP-shrink-to-fit.php
[2] http://www.satzansatz.de/cssd/tmp/100307.html

Philippe Wittenbergh

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