I have to problems at the moment which have me stumped, both to do with positioning images.


The first is at http://www.carrollwaterservices.co.uk the “kinetico reinventing water” image is fine when the site is initially loaded but when he goes to another page and then comes back to it not all the image is displayed and he has to refresh the page to get it all, this is working fine in FF but for some reason IE some of the image is missing. Can anyone see why this is happening as it has me stumped.


The second problem is at http://www.kevinarrowsmith.co.uk/wol/greenacre.php the image to the right of the text is positioned fine in 1024*768 and higher but in 800*600 then space for the image is left but the image itself covers half the text, does anyone know why this is happening.



Thanks for any help

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