"I could show you a million websites with the background graphic positioned at the bottom of the content."
gee, really??? now wayyy!!! I don't recall asking you for your opinon on it and I didn't ask for a site check and unless you are paying the bill for the site then I will listen to the people that are.

Why not split that background image up and do like the rest of them do?"
Because they didnt frickin want that, we didnt want that type of design (which btw~ was the first one i did). We didn't want long scrolling pages, they wanted scrolling within the screen size, is that ok with you master?

The page does not fit within my browser."
Well its the way they wanted it too fit, is that ok with you or should i have consulted with you first?

Sorry to be an ass but I asked a question for a problem not for you to tell the people what they want. I did want to cut the bg up, i wanted to do a lot of things that i couldn't and unless you know the facts don't dictate how it "should" be done, you aren't paying for it and those "issues" have all been brought up.

Your sites are a perfect example of what they didn't want, yours may make sense to you but it doesn't mean you're right.

And yet you have offered nothing yet to help with the question, so why answer?

From: Christian Montoya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 25, 2005 2:57 AM
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: Re: [WSG] menu suggestions and problems

> and if you take the overflow out the content just flows right on out over
> the bg and right down the page that would beautiful wouldnt it....

I could show you a million websites with the background graphic
positioned at the bottom of the content. Why not split that background
image up and do like the rest of them do?

> and I know what you are saying but we didn't want the pages to be big long
> pages it needed to fit within the browser(and NOT scroll), so your answer
> would depned upon how you want the website to be, whether you like it or
> not.

The page does not fit within my browser. And I'm using one of those
very popular widescreen laptops that is very short vertically. So it
is not a matter of preference.

Christian Montoya
christianmontoya.com ... rdpdesign.com ... cssliquid.com
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