At least, I think it shouldn't. It doesn't in Firefox anyway, but IE is insisting on not sliding under my banner properly.

Have a look at

The issue arises when you view it at 800x600 or so. In Firefox, it all works nicely and the out-hanging tab in the bottom row slides in under the logo. In IE, this tab falls to the next line. I'd be prepared to live with this for now, since we have a major redsign planned for January anyway, but the boss isn't happy. Therefore, I'm charged with fixing it.

I've fiddled around, I've tried installed IE's Web Developer Toolbar (which didn't help and eventually crashed IE, but that's another story), and I cannot figure out what is going on here. Can someone please have a look at this site and tell me if this is something I can actually fix (I really hope it is) and how?

CSS is located at - please don't blame me for some of the things in there, since most of it was inherited from the last developers and I'm going through it a bit at a time trying to clean it up. Most of it will die in the redesign, anyway. :)



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