"I wonder how many visits Google gets in a day...?"
Brian - I'm not sure how many visits Google gets in a day, but Danny Sullivan reported on the Nielsen netratings numbers back in July that Google has 46.2% market share of 4.5 billion searches/ month  http://searchenginewatch.com/reports/article.php/2156451
"...percentage of online searches done by US home and work web surfers in July 2005 that were performed at a particular search engine. Internal site searches, such as those to find material within a particular web site, are not counted in these totals. The activity at more than 60 search sites makes up the total search volume upon which percentages are based -- 4.5 billion searches in this month."
So - using these numbers - 46.2% (Google's market share) x 4.5 billion searches/ mth = 2.079 billion/ month.  I'm reading this as 'US home & work web surfers' - not a global number of searches.....
Also, Alexa says that the average Google session is 6.2 pageviews http://www.alexa.com/data/details/traffic_details?q=&url=""
Another number I read once was that there were approximately 320 - 350 million searches per day on the web. I can't quote you a source on that. But taken in context of Google's market share - its a huge amount of bandwidth.
Either way - small coding issues (and vaildation/ use of semantic code etc) are going to mean a lot of bandwidth when looked at in light of that kind of volume.......
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